- #Proloquo software full#
- #Proloquo software software#
- #Proloquo software plus#
- #Proloquo software free#
#Proloquo software free#
Price: Free for one month, 29.95 per month after that Review:
#Proloquo software plus#
#Proloquo software full#
Plus, since the app is provided by a company that sells full AAC devices, you always have access to a local rep who can tell you all about the dedicated AAC devices if you decide that your child would benefit from having his own AAC device. The website for Touch Chat contains tons of support and resources including Webinars and Trainings. Fortunately, these can be turned off for your little ones. I found these troublesome with some of my younger children because they would accidentally do the gesture while trying to push a button and it would change pages. There are also features that can be used to allow the child to change pages quickly using gestures.

When she’s ready, the buttons can easily be added back on. This is great for a kiddo who is just starting out and needs help guiding her attention to the target button. Once you choose a board, the boards themselves are also easy to customize and you can easily hide as many buttons as you need to. This allows for you to customize the device to the individual child with the push of a button. However, the basic version of this doesn’t allow buttons to change as much and includes more pictures/symbols on buttons instead of plain text. This cuts down on navigation time significantly. The more sophisticated option changes certain words on the screen when one button is pushed, allowing the device to predict what you may be trying to say. I personally use the 42 Position option the most often and I love that there is a basic version and a more sophisticated version of the same 42-button layout. These boards range from 20 buttons per page up through 80 buttons per page, allowing the child to have access to as many buttons as his motor skills will allow. The “Word Power” boards are much more sophisticated and allow for more language development and growth. Saltillo used research conducted in adolescent homes about the types of vocabulary that these children want to use. There are even specific boards for adolescents that has bigger buttons for those who aren’t ready for the more sophisticated boards, but who need more sophisticated language than a preschooler would need. You can start with very simple boards that were designed for young children with developmental delays or move up to a more sophisticated device. When you open the app, you have the option to choose from many different pre-programmed boards that are specifically designed for different populations. I recommend purchasing the “Touch Chat with Word Power” option, which is more expensive but gives you access to the word power boards which will allow for much more language use and development in your child.
#Proloquo software software#
Why is that a good thing? Well, you know that they’ve spent tons of time and money on research and development of their software and if you try the app and find you like it, you can easily transition to a dedicated device that will last you longer and is often covered by insurance companies. That means, this same software comes installed on their durable devices that are designed to be used specifically as an AAC device and nothing else. This app was created by Saltillo which is a company that makes dedicated AAC devices as well as communication apps. Price: $149.99 (for a few basic boards) or $299.99 (for TouchChat with Word Power-recommended) Review: