#On screen calipers code
In the end I found a solution that doesn't involve messing with the original code of the script either. It wasn't appearing for the longest time as it was off to the side beyond the visible portion of the box itself. So I was stumped yesterday when trying to position a new button to an existing GUI. But unfortunately, it probably does the same as Screen Calipers on top of being a 3 meg dl. It turned up repeatedly in a google search on the archives of. But in the meantime, Screen Calipers doesn't seem to be a viable solution for this particular case. I'm guessing that some sort of screen capture app that shows co-ordinates as you move the mouse _might_ do the trick. But I realized yesterday that positions are relative so it would have to be a very unique type of app to register co-ordinates in relation to a box itself and not the screen.

I've always found MS Paint's co-ordinates display at the bottom-right to be very handy and have always wished to find something to do the same for something on the screen. And actually I wasn't sure it would be what I needed and after trying it again yesterday found it wasn't going to help much in this particular situation. Nowadays I prefer Meazure (freeware) at, thanks! Yes, I have v1.0 somewhere myself and dl the newer v1.5 yesterday. You can still dowload their last free version (v1.5) from their website at It was freeware, but a few years ago went to a paid model.